Hi I'm not sure if this is in the right topic so please direct me to the correct one if i'm in the wrong place. I'm looking for any alternatives to PcUnlocker software. I need a software that is UEFI bootable. I'm trying to bypass the windows password on my Dell Venue 8 Pro . Any suggestions would be great! Prison break season 5 download kickass. **oh and its probably important to note that the recovery on this tablet is corrupt or at least anything you choose in recovery says it needs ot be recovered and will not work. It's running windows 8.1 32bit

  1. Windows Password Unlocker
  2. Pc Unlocker Freeware

Windows Password Unlocker

Edited by micahlynn29, 13 April 2018 - 01:56 AM.

Pc Unlocker Freeware

UnlockerPcunlocker free trial

Windows Password & Registry Editor is short for Chntpw.It is one of the old password unlocking program since the release of Windows 98. In the past, it is a decent alternative to PC Unlocker for Windows password cracking.