Program name: Microsoft Word 2016 (Text editing) Microsoft Word is a word processor software developed by Microsoft. Word is licensed as standalone product or as a part of Microsoft Office. Among its features, Word includes a spell checker, tools for. Use commands on a ribbon with the keyboard. To move to the list of ribbon tabs, press Alt; to go directly to a tab, press a keyboard shortcut. To move into the ribbon, press the Down Arrow key. To move between commands, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab.

  1. Microsoft Word 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf
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Is there no keyboard shortcut for a particular action in Word, or is the current keyboard shortcut convoluted and difficult to remember? Recent versions of Word actually allow you to assign your own keyboard shortcuts to all sorts of commands and hidden features. You can also assign keyboard shortcuts to your own Macro scripts, a very powerful way of making Word more accessible.

The following example shows how to make a keyboard shortcut that changes the font colour to red. You can currently accomplish this through the keyboard in two manners but both of these are rather long-winded:

  1. Press ALT to access the File menu
  2. Press CTRL + TAB until the formatting toolbar is highlighted
  3. Press the right arrow until the font colour dialog is highlighted
  4. Press the down arrow to open up the colour selection box
  5. Use the arrow keys to highlight red
  6. Press Enter to select


Microsoft word shortcut keys
  1. Press ALT + O to open the Format menu
  2. Press Enter to open the Font dialog
  3. Press ALT + C to open up the colour selection box
  4. Use the arrow keys to highlight red
  5. Press Enter to select
  6. Press CTRL + TAB to move the focus towards the OK button
  7. Press Enter to close the dialog

Either of these routes take quite a long time so if you’re going to change font to any given colour more than a few times it might be worth adding your own shortcut. You only need to do this the once and It doesn’t take long and here’s how to accomplish it:

Open the Customize dialog box by selecting Customize from the Tools menu [ALT, T, C]

Select the Commands tab at the top of the dialog [CTRL + TAB]

Press the Keyboard button [ALT + K]

Microsoft Word 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf

Up pops the Customize Keyboard dialog.

Microsoft Word 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts

Using the Categories and Commands lists you can select any command available in Microsoft Word. Select the Format Category and then the ‘Color:’ command. [F , TAB, C (until ‘Color:’ is highlighted)]

Now go to the Color list and select Red. [ALT + SHIFT + : , R]

Now it’s time to select a suitable keyboard shortcut. This can actually be a little tricky as Word has already taken most of the good ones. Fortunately Word does let you know when a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to another command . Also you can replace existing shortcuts if you feel you can live without them. In this example I want to assign CTRL+ALT+R to change the font colour to Red (it’s easy enough to remember).Unfortunately this shortcut has already been taken by the Registered Trademark symbol, but I feel I can live without this shortcut.

Click inside the New shortcut key box and press CTRL+ALT+R. You’ll see that this is already taken but if you don’t mind replacing the current command simply click the Assign button. Click Close on both dialogs and try it out!

ALT + N , ( CTRL + ALT + R )


Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions using only your keyboard that otherwise you would perform with your mouse. Many people find that using the keyboard is faster than using the mouse because their hands are already positioned above the keyboard, if they are typing in text.

The greatest obstacle to overcome in becoming proficient at using Word keyboard shortcuts is memorising them. Once you know them, though, you’ll probably find that they speed up your work flow tremendously.

Listed here are some of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts that you will probably want to use daily. There are many more keyboard shortcuts available, but I didn’t want to clutter the selection up with shortcuts you would be unlikely to use. You can also download this list in PDF format: Word 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts.

Ctrl + HomeJump to the top of the document
Ctrl + EndJump to the bottom of the document
Ctrl + right arrowJump to the next word
Ctrl + left arrowJump to the previous word
Ctrl + down arrowJump to the next paragraph
Ctrl + up arrowJump to the previous paragraph
HomeJump to the start of the line
EndJump to the end of the line
Ctrl + cCopy selected text/object
Ctrl + vPaste the copied text/object
Ctrl + xCut selected text/object
Ctrl + wClose the document
Ctrl + zUndo the last operation
Ctrl + yRedo the last operation
Ctrl + sSave the document
F12Save as
Ctrl + nCreate a new document
Ctrl + oOpen a document
Ctrl + pPrint the document
AltDisplay access keys
Ctrl + fFind
Alt + tabAlternate between open windows
Shift + left arrowSelect or unselect one character to the left.
Shift + right arrowSelect or unselect one character to the right.
Ctrl + shift + left arrowSelect or unselect one word to the left
Ctrl + shift + right arrowSelect or unselect one word to the right
Shift + endSelect from the cursor to the end of the entry
Shift + homeSelect from the cursor to the beginning of the entry
Ctrl + bMake selected text bold
Ctrl + uUnderline selected text
Ctrl + shift + wUnderline selected words but not spaces
Ctrl + shift + dDouble-underline text
Ctrl + iMake selected text italic
Ctrl + shift + <Decrease the font size of the selected text by one value
Ctrl + shift + >Increase the font size of the selected text by one value
Ctrl + gGo to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
Alt + ctrl + mInsert a comment
Ctrl + deleteDelete one word to the right
Ctrl + backspaceDelete one word to the left
Shift + enterInsert a line breaks
Ctrl + enterInsert a page break
Alt + ctrl + cInsert a copyright symbol
Alt + ctrl + tInsert a trademark symbol
In a table: tabTo jump to the next cell in the table
In a table: shift + tabTo jump to the previous cell in the table
Ctrl + shift + cCopy formatting from text
Ctrl + shift + vApply copied formatting to text
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