Pokemon Roms For Gameboy Advance
Download Patched Pokemon Orange GBA Rom
Version: New Alpha 1.0
Updated: June 3, 2018
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(New Alpha 1.0)
Name: Pokemon Orange Version
Type: GBA
Hack of: FireRed

Pokemon Roms For Gameboy Advance
You play as a kid who wants to become a Pokemon Master after hearing of a kid named Red, who defeated the Indigo League 6 months ago. You embark on a quest to take on the Orange Crew and deliver the cryptic GS Ball to the reputed Prof. Samson Oak, who is visiting the region soon. Play as Tyson/Doris, explore the island region, catch Pokemon and battle! Step into a world full of adventure, fun times, difficult times and unforgettable experiences!
- The Orange Archipelago
- Orange Island variants
- 251 species in Regional Dex
- Custom music
- Berry trees
- Honey trees
- Whirlpool and Dive
- Working Pokedex and Town Map