Everyday Phrases In English
Learn Useful Expressions in English. Phrases you hear in an airport. Remembering things. Reminding people to do things. Rooms In A House. Saying goodbye.
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Level I Course
Sale Ends May 30, 2019
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English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Good morning. | Buenos días. | booEHN-os DEE-as |
Good afternoon. | Buenas tardes. | booEHN-as TAR-dehs |
Good evening. (greeting) | Buenas noches. | booEHN-as NO-chehs |
Hello, my name is John. | Hola, me llamo Juan. | OH-la meh YA-mo Wahn |
What is your name? | ¿Cómo se llama usted? | KOH-moh seh YA-mah oos-TEHD |
How are you? | ¿Cómo está usted? | KOH-moh ehs-TA oos-TEHD |
I am fine. | Estoy bien. | ehs-TOY bee-EHN |
Nice to meet you. | Mucho gusto. | MOO-choh GOOS-toh |
Goodbye. | Adiós. | ah-dee-OHS |
See you later. | Hasta luego. | AHS-ta looEH-go |
I am lost. Where is the restroom? | Estoy perdido. ¿Dónde está el baño? | ehs-TOY pehr-DEE-doh. DOHN-deh ehs-TA el BAH-neeo |
Excuse me. | Con permiso. OR Perdóname | kohn pehr-MEE-soh OR pehr-DOH-nah-meh |
Please. | Por favor. | pohr fah-VOR |
Thank you. | Gracías. | gra-SEE-ahs |
I'm sorry. | Lo siento. | low see-EHN-to |
Bless you. | Salud. | sah-LOOD |
You are welcome (it was nothing). | De nada. | deh NA-da |
How much does it cost? | ¿Cuánto cuesta? | kooAN-to KWEHS-ta |
How many are there? | ¿Cuántos hay? | kooAN-tohs eye |
There are many. | Hay muchos. | eye MOO-chohs |
Do you want to buy this? | ¿Quiere comprarlo usted? | kee-EHR-eh kohm-PRAR-loh oos-TEHD |
What time is it? | ¿Qué hora es? | keh OR-ah ehs |
How do you say maybe in Spanish? | ¿Cómo se dice maybe en Español? | KOH-mo seh DEE-seh maybe ehn ehs-pahn-YOL |
Yes. | Sí. | see |
No. | No. | no |
I do not understand. | Yo no comprendo. | yoh no kom-PREN-doh |
Would you speak slower, please. | Por favor, habla mas despacio. | pohr fah-VOR, AH-blah mahs dehs-PAHS-ee-oh |
Who? | ¿Quièn? | kee-EHN |
Why? | ¿Por què? | pohr keh |
Basic Sentence Structure
Subject + Verb + Object
Example: Yo quiero una tortilla. (I want a tortilla.)
Adjectives come after the word it describes, where in English the adjectives come before it: El libro rojo es mío. (The red book is mine.)
Directory of Common Vocabulary Words
School (Escuela) | |||
contabilidad | accounting | el libro | book |
álgebra | algebra | el colegio | college |
arte | art | la computadora | computer |
biología | biology | el diccionário | dictionary |
negocio | business | el papel | paper |
cálculo | calculus | el lapiz | pencil |
química | chemistry | el lapicero | pen |
informática | computer science | profesor/a | professor |
danza | dance | escuela | school |
economía | economics | estudiente | student |
idiomas extranjeros | foreign languages | maestro/maestra | teacher |
geografía | geography | el examen | test/quiz/exam |
geometría | geometry | la universidad | university |
historia | history | estudiar | to study |
matemáticas | math | aprender | to learn |
música | music | enseñar | to teach |
educación física | physical education | escribir | to write |
física | physics | dibujar | to draw |
ciencia política | political science | leer | to read |
Places (Lugares) | |||
el aeropuerto | airport | panaderia | pastry shop |
lapanadería | bakery | el parque | park |
el banco | bank | la farmácia | pharmacy |
la playa | beach | la estación de la policía | police station |
el café | cafe | los correos | post office |
la iglesia | church | la piscina | pool |
la fábrica | factory | el restaurante | restaurant |
el gardín | garden | la escuela | school |
almacén | grocery store | el estadio | stadium |
el hogar | home | tienda | store |
la hospital | hospital | la estación del tren | train station |
la biblioteca | library | pasillo de ciudad | town hall |
el mercado | market | librería | bookstore |
el cine | movie theater | parque zoológico | zoo |
el museo | museum | ||
Business (Negocio) | |||
la officina | office | el intercambio de modernidad | currency exchange |
la ciudad | city | las aduanas | customs |
la renta | the rent | la entrada | entrance |
el impuesto | tax | el salido | exit |
la cuesta | the cost | la información | information |
el précio | price | pagar | to pay |
la cuenta | bill | comprar | to buy |
la estimación | estimate | vender | to sell |
el cheque | check | costar | to cost |
el cheque de viajar | travelers check | alquiler | to rent |
el passaporte | passport | depositar | to deposit |
el equipaje | luggage/baggage | ||
Transportation (Transporte) | |||
en avión | by airplane | motor | engine |
en bicicleta | by bicycle | llanta | wheel |
en barco | by boat | mapa | map |
en bus | by bus | los direcciones | directions |
en automovíl | by car | acelerar | to accelerate |
a pie | on foot | retardarse | to break |
en ciclomotor | by moped | parar | to stop |
en motocicleta | by motorcycle | ir | to go |
en subterráneo | by subway | dar vuelta a la izqierda | turn left |
en taxi | by taxi | dar vuelta a la derecha | turn right |
en tren | by train | ir derecho | go straight |
House and Furniture (Casa y Muebles) | |||
la casa | house | la mesa | table |
el apartamento | apartment | la silla | chair |
el cuarto | room | sofá | couch |
la sala | living room | escritorio | desk |
la cocina | kitchen | lavaplatos | dishwasher |
cuarto de cenar | dining room | el puerto | door |
vestíbulo | hallway | la luz | light |
escaleras | stairs | cama | bed |
el baño | bathroom | manta | blanket |
bañera | bathtub | televisión | television |
ducha | shower | el rádio | radio |
la pila | sink | la refrijedora | refrigerator |
azotea | roof | estufa | stove |
armario | closet | el horno | oven |
la ventana | window | la basura | garbage |
la pared | wall | microonda | microwave |
Body and Clothing (el Cuerpo y la Ropa) | |||
la cabeza | head | el sombrero | hat |
el cerebro | brain | los pendientes | earrings |
el pelo | hair | la camisa | shirt |
la cara | face | la blusa | blouse |
el oreja | ear | el vestido | dress |
el ojo | eye | los pantelones | pants |
la boca | mouth | pantalones vaqueros | jeans |
la naríz | nose | la falda | skirt |
el cuello | neck | los calcetines | socks |
el hombro | shoulder | los zapatos | shoes |
el pecho | chest | el traje de bañar | swimsuit |
el estómigo | stomach | ropa anterior | underwear |
la cintura | waist | los guantes | gloves |
la espalda | back | la correa | belt |
el corazón | heart | la capa | coat |
el brazo | arm | el anillo | ring |
el codo | elbow | ||
la muñeca | wrist | Me duelle en mi brazo. | My arm hurts. |
el mano | hand | ¿Estás lastimado? | Are you hurt? |
el dedo | finger | Tengo dolor de la cabeza. | I have a headache. |
la pierna | leg | ¿Tienes aspirina? | Do you have aspirin? |
el pie | foot | Me estás lastimando. | You are hurting me. |
el dedo del pie | toe | No lo/la lastimas. | Don't hurt him/her. |
Animals and Nature (Animales y Naturaleza) | |||
perro/a | dog | el bosque | forest |
gato/a | cat | los árboles | trees |
ratón | mouse | planta | plant |
ave | bird | flor | flower |
gallina/gallo | chicken/rooster | selva | jungle |
la vaca | cow | el océano | ocean |
pato/a | duck | el río | river |
la cabra | goat | la charca | pond |
el caballo | horse | el lago | lake |
cerdo/a | pig | la colina | hill |
oveja | sheep | la montaña | mountain |
el lión | lion | cascada | waterfall |
el tigre | tiger | el arco iris | rainbow |
el oso | bear | el cielo | sky |
el lobo | wolf | niebla | cloud |
el elefante | elephant | la lluvia | rain |
el mono | monkey | el nieve | snow |
la mofeta | skunk | el granizo | hail |
águila | eagle | la niebla | fog |
pez | fish | el campo | field/meadow |
la ballena | whale | el relámpago | lightning |
Religion (Religión) | |||
el ángel | angel | el judaismo | Judaism |
el bautismo | baptism | el monasterio | monastery |
la biblia | Bible | el Pápa | Pope |
el obispo | bishop | la profeta | prophet |
el buddismo | Buddhism | el protestante | Protestant |
el catedral | cathedral | la religión | religion |
el cristianismo | Christianity | el sermón | sermon |
la iglesia | church | el templo | temple |
la fe | faith | cantar | to sing |
el Diós | God | adorar | to worship |
el cielo | heaven | orar | to pray |
el infierno | hell | arrepentirse | to repent (reflexive) |
Asking and Answering Questions
Greetings and Introductions
Numbers and Time
Telephone Conversations
Eating Out and Shopping
Going to the Doctor
Telephoning in English includes learning a number of special phrases, as well as focusing on listening skills. Some of the most important phrases include how to answer the phone, how to ask for others, how to connect, and how to take messages.
Introducing Yourself
Here are a few ways to informally introduce yourself on the telephone:
- This is Ken.
- Hello, Ken speaking
If you'd like to reply more formally, use your full name.
- This is Jennifer Smith speaking.
- Hello, Jennifer Smith speaking.
If you are answering for a business, just state the business name. In this case, it's common to ask how you can help:
- Good morning, Thomson Company. How may I help you?
- Plumbers Insurance. How can I be of service today?
British / American Difference
Everyday Phrases In English
- Hello, this is Ken
- Brighton 0987654
The first example response is in American English and the second is in British English. As you can see there are differences in both forms. The telephone articles include both British and American English, as well as phrases that are common to both forms.
In American English, we answer the phone stating 'This is ...' In British English, it's common to answer the phone by stating the telephone number. The phrase 'This is ...' is used only on the telephone to substitute the phrase 'My name is ...' which is not used to answer the telephone.
Asking Who Is on the Telephone
Sometimes, you'll need to find out who is calling. Ask them politely for this information:
- Excuse me, who is this?
- May (Can) I ask who is calling, please?
Asking for Someone

At other times, you'll need to speak to someone else. This is especially true when you telephone a business. Here are some examples:
- Can I have extension 321? (extensions are internal numbers at a company)
- Could I speak to...? (Can I - more informal / May I - more formal)
- Is Jack in? (informal idiom meaning: Is Jack in the office?
Connecting Someone
If you answer the phone, you might need to connect the caller to someone at your business. Here are some useful phrases:
- I'll put you through (put through - phrasal verb meaning 'connect')
- Can you hold the line? Can you hold on a moment?
When Someone Is Not Available
These phrases can be used to express that someone is not available to speak on the telephone.

- I'm afraid ... is not available at the moment
- The line is busy... (when the extension requested is being used)
- Mr. Jackson isn't in... Mr. Jackson is out at the moment...
Taking a Message
If someone isn't available, you might want to take a message to help the caller.
- Could (Can, May) I take a message?
- Could (Can, May) I tell him who is calling?
- Would you like to leave a message?
Continue practicing your skills by using the practical exercises below which include information on leaving messages on the telephone, how to ask native speakers to slow down, role plays on the telephone and more.
Practice With a Role Play
Begin by learning important telephone English with the dialogue below. Here is a short telephone conversation with some of the key phrases:
Operator: Hello, Frank and Brothers, How can I help you?
Peter: This is Peter Jackson. Can I have extension 3421?
Operator: Certainly, hold on a minute, I'll put you through...
Frank: Bob Peterson's office, Frank speaking.
Peter: This is Peter Jackson calling, is Bob in?
Frank: I'm afraid he's out at the moment. Can I take a message?
Peter: Yes, Could you ask him to call me at ... I need to talk to him about the Nuovo line, it's urgent.
Frank: Could you repeat the number please?
Peter: Yes, that's ..., and this is Peter Jackson.
Frank: Thank you Mr. Jackson, I'll make sure Bob gets this asap.
Peter: Thanks, bye.

Frank: Bye.
As you can see, the language is rather informal and there are some important differences from face-to-face conversational English.